The following documents should be part of every Emergency Management Director/Coordinator "toolbox"
- Local Emergency Management Plan (LEMP) Templates, Forms, & Examples The Local Emergency Management Plan allows individual communities to coordinate disaster response. Towns now have the option of submitting any format plan so long as the plan has all required elements and a completed adoption form. Templates are also available in both "long" and "short" format. LEMPs must be submitted to Regional Planning Commissions annually after town meeting day, but before May 1st.
- National Incident Management System (NIMS) Resource Typing Library Tool The Resource Typing Library Tool (RTLT) is an online catalog of all NIMS resource typing definitions and job titles/position qualifications that have been released by FEMA.
- Current Statewide Contracts The state of Vermont has several statewide contracts that cities and towns can use. Please review the details in each individual contract to see how to use the contract and if the contract is available for use by your city/town.
- FEMA Emergency Operations Center How-To Quick Reference Guide This all-hazards guide can provide state, local, tribal and territorial jurisdictions with information and guidance related to emergency operations center (EOC) set up, operation, maintenance and deactivation. While all jurisdictions have their own unique set of hazards, vulnerabilities, capabilities and requirements for an EOC, this how-to guide can help a jurisdiction meet its needs in accordance with the National Incident Management System (NIMS) framework and principles.
- FEMA Mobile App The FEMA App allows the public to learn how to prepare for common hazards quickly and easily, and gives tools individuals need to recover after a disaster.
- Climate Essentials for Emergency Managers This FEMA document shares communication techniques, climate information, data resources, and guidance for connecting with experts.
- Climate Adaptation Planning Guidance for Emergency Managers This FEMA guide helps emergency managers incorporate climate adaptation into emergency management planning efforts.
- Transportation Resiliency Tool This web-based application identifies bridges, culverts, and road embankments that are vulnerable to damage from floods, estimates risk based on the vulnerability, and criticality of roadway segments, and identifies potential mitigation measures based on the factors driving the vulnerability.
- CARE (Citizens Assistance Registry for Emergencies)Those who need special assistance during a disaster or evacuation can alert local responders of that need before emergencies. The CARE (Citizens Assistance Registry for Emergencies) program allows the elderly, people with limited mobility, or those who require specialized medical equipment to get extra help during a disaster. For those who have registered, CARE allows local emergency responders access to their information so they can better help these individuals during an evacuation, power outage or similar event. Click here information on how EMDs and local first responders can access the CARE information within their community. If you would like CARE Rack Cards that you can hand out to the public, please contact your Regional Coordinator or the E911 Board, or download the electronic CARE Rack Card file to print locally. If an individual is attempting to sign up for CARE and is unable to use the online form, they can call 802-828-4911 to request assistance in completing the application.
- FEMA's Disaster Preparedness Guide for Caregivers provides information on 3 essential steps caregivers can take - assessing needs, engaging a support network and creating a plan — to help caregivers feel more prepared and in control when disaster strikes.
- 20 V.S.A. § 6 This statute outlines the EMD requirement for all Vermont towns.
- Emergency Preparedness Workbook The Emergency Preparedness Workbook contains information on how to prepare for disasters and how individuals and their families can stay safe during an emergency event, or weather emergency. Email us for a hard copy for yourself, or order multiple copies for local distribution.
- Vermont Business Preparedness Workbook The Vermont Business Preparedness Workbook contains information to assist businesses in emergency preparation. Email us for a hard copy to share with local businesses within your community.
- Emergency Management Director Job Description This job description can be used by your community to advertise the position.
- Emergency Management Director Manual This document includes the steps a new Emergency Management Director should take, suggested practices, training opportunities, and how to obtain Emergency Management Director certification.
Situational Assessment
NWS Severe Weather Impacts one-pager If you are aware of Severe Weather impacts at anytime, please consider submitting a report to the National Weather Service. This reference sheet for reporting severe weather to the National Weather Service includes contact information, as well as information that should be included in a report including time, location, condition, and source.
Operational Communications
Government Emergency Telecommunications Service (GETS) GETS provides personnel across all levels of government, the private sector and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that have essential national security, national economic security, and national public health or safety missions the ability to complete landline telephone calls during periods of severe network congestion or disruption.
Wireless Priority Service (WPS) WPS provides authorized devices with priority calling on all nationwide and several regional cellular networks.
Mass Care
- Shelter Fundamentals is available online through the American Red Cross EDGE system. Register for an account by visiting If you are not affiliated with Disaster Cycle Services or Service to the Armed Forces, select N/A for Region. After registration, you can access EDGE by visiting
- Shelter Field Guide This step by step guide from FEMA and the American Red Cross provides organizations without prior disaster experience with a basic overview of shelter operations that will help them to open and manage an emergency shelter.
- FEMA's How To Develop Agreements for Mass Care Services Guidance for locals to better understand why formal agreements (i.e., Memorandums of Agreement [MOA] and Memorandums of Understanding [MOU]) are important tools for improving the delivery of mass care services and emergency assistance. Additionally, this document Overview of MOAs and MOUs MOAs/MOUs document and identify areas of potential collaboration between organizations and outline a strategy to do so. This document addresses the development of MOAs/MOUs that facilitate the effective delivery of mass care services and emergency assistance. provides guidance to locals developing effective agreements and actionable prior to an incident.
- The Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency's Cyber Essentials is a guide for leaders of small businesses and local government agencies to develop an actionable understand of where to start implementing organizational cybersecurity practices.
- FEMA's Planning Considerations for Cyber Incidents assists local emergency management personnel with preparing for cyber incident and supporting the development of a cyber incident response plan.
- Planning Considerations: Evacuation and Shelter-in-Place guide A FEMA document which includes job aids and checklists that jurisdictions can customize to meet their needs for all disasters regardless of scale.
Community Resilience
- National Resilience Guidance A FEMA document which offers a national vision and steps that can be taken across the whole community to strengthen resilience.
- FEMA Declaration and Town steps Memo After a federally-declared disaster, municipalities may be overwhelmed with the actions they need to take to recover. This memo serves as a step-by-step overview of the FEMA Public Assistance Grant process.
- Public Assistance (PA) Resources The FEMA Public Assistance (PA) Program provides federal disaster assistance to state and local government organizations for debris removal, emergency protective measures and the permanent restoration or replacement of public facilities that are owned and operated by an eligible Applicant. This web page includes applicant guides, checklists, form templates, and other useful information to help applicants navigate the PA process.
- Debris Management This page provides information on Debris Management and Monitoring, Contract Templates, and individuals that you can contact for more information.