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Exercise Program

The Vermont Emergency Management Exercise Program provides first responders, volunteers, elected officials, emergency managers, private industry and others a chance to implement those skills necessary to protect lives and property during a simulated catastrophic event. This is accomplished by providing all-hazards exercises that examine the importance of prevention, protection, response, and recovery.

The goal of the Exercise Program is to improve the overall readiness and capabilities of emergency response by validating training, emergency plans and procedures to reveal strengths and areas for improvement, demonstrate operational capabilities, and to prepare personnel for real world events. This readiness is implemented through a building block process of seminars, workshops, tabletop exercises, games, drills, functional exercises, and full scale exercises which are defined by the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP).

Want to hold an exercise but aren't sure where to begin? Contact one of the following personnel based on your location or affiliation:

State or Federal Exercises:

State Exercise Administrator
Julie Benedict, 1-800-347-0488

Regional Coordinator Map

Local Exercises:

Regional Coordinator Northwest
Harry Schoppmann, (802) 585-4509

Regional Coordinator Northeast
Sidney Pollock, (802)760-9190 

Regional Coordinator South
Taiga Christie, 1-800-347-0488 


Have an interest in becoming an evaluator or controller at a VEM exercise?
Attend an HSEEP course to get started. 

Exercise Resources

DEMHS Exercise Process Flow Chart