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EMD Partners

Vermont Emergency Management Regional Coordinators

VEM Regional Coordinators provide locals with assistance in plan development, training, and exercise support. Contact your regional coordinator to learn more about the resources available:


Additional Resources


Agency of Natural Resources Atlas

The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources Atlas is the best online mapping tool for Vermont's Natural Resources. With over 150 map layers available to make your custom map from across all of our departments and other state and municipal agencies, you can use the Atlas to create a robust map for any purpose. 

Community Emergency Response Team

Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program is a nationally supported, locally implemented initiative that teaches people how to better prepare themselves for hazards that may affect their communities. If you have any questions, please contact: 

Community Resilience Organizations

Community Resilience Organizations (CROs) are local teams that engage residents and town leaders in climate adaptation, disaster preparedness and hazard mitigation, while strengthening local collaboration and social cohesion. CROs break down community silos by bringing together a diverse mix of stakeholders involved in resilience and hazard mitigation: emergency management, conservation, social services, government and more. Through an annual Day for CROing and ongoing projects, teams engage youth and the broader community to collaborate on critical projects that will make the town stronger and safer, simultaneously celebrating local spirit and building community. The community resilience assessment tool guides communities through examining local resilience across sectors and making connections between them. It prompts discussions - community members share knowledge, learn more about local resources, and learn what it takes to be truly resilient. 

Flood Ready Vermont

Flood Ready Vermont compiles maps and information, and provides learning opportunities by highlighting Vermont towns and villages that are successfully building flood resilient communities. This website guides towns towards greater flood resilience by providing information on post-disaster funding, tools and data to assess current flood readiness and plans for building flood resilient communities.

National Weather Service

The National Weather Service provides weather forecasts, warnings of hazardous weather, and other weather-related products to organizations and the public for the purposes of protection, safety, and general information.

New England 511

The New England 511 site provides detailed information on road conditions as well as the option to sign up for alerts based on your routes using the My511 function.

Regional Emergency Management Committee (REMC)

Regional Emergency Management Committees coordinate emergency planning and preparedness activities to improve their regions' ability to prepare for, respond to, and recover from all disasters.  

Regional Planning Commissions

RPCs assist with mitigation and preparedness in partnership with Vermont Emergency Management, VTrans and the Agency of Natural Resources.  RPCs provide coordination among responders and planners throughout the State, help update floodplain bylaws, create FEMA-qualified hazard mitigation plans, and assist as needed in special circumstances and declared disasters.

Vermont 211

Vermont 211 is a free and confidential service, serving Vermonters statewide with information and resources to help maintain and improve their health and well being. By dialing 211, callers are connected with trained representatives that provide referrals to a variety of local and statewide social services to help meet their needs. 

Vermont Alert (VT-Alert) 

Vermont Alert is the state system designed to keep Vermonters informed about emergency situations, weather alerts, or road information - among other details that could affect everyday life.  Users select what information they wish to receive, how they receive that information - email, text, phone call, etc. - and for what areas the alerts pertain.  VT Alert is a free service and it only takes a few minutes to sign up for an account.  Visit to sign up.

Vermont Disaster Recovery Fund (VDRF)

The Vermont Disaster Recovery Fund is a volunteer organization focused on long term recovery from damage due to disasters. VDRF was created to support Vermont's recovery process by providing grants to individuals and families statewide who have natural disaster-caused needs which cannot be met by their own, or any other, resources.

Vermont Drought Monitoring

The U.S. Drought Monitor (USDM) is a map that shows the location and intensity of drought across the state.

VT Outages

VT Outages is a state-wide map of reported power outages providing information on current reported outages by county or utility company. This tool can be extremely useful while sizing up an incident and determining the scope of impact to utilities. 

Vermont Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD)

The Vermont VOAD is a forum where organizations share knowledge and resources throughout the disaster cycle—preparation, response, and recovery—to help disaster survivors and their communities. Members of the Vermont VOAD form a coalition of nonprofit organizations that respond to disasters as part of their overall mission.

Somebody missing? Send us an email with any suggestions or additions you would like to have made to this list.