RACES members provide Vermont with vitally important emergency communications services from the field to our main communications center in Waterbury, VT. In January 2019, Cathy James, NQ1B, was appointed RACES Program Coordinator for the State of Vermont. Cathy will lead RACES activities and training in Vermont, and act as liaison with agencies that would like to include RACES as part of their emergency communication capabilities.
Membership Requirements for RACES
Obtain an application to become a RACES volunteer for the State of Vermont from the Program Coordinator or Vermont Emergency Management.
Minimum age is eighteen (18) years of age. Amateurs under eighteen may enroll and participate in light and restricted duties if parental consent is provided.
A positive personal history and background check will be conducted by Vermont Emergency Management.
Volunteers who drive on duty (including traveling to and from an assignment) must possess a current, valid Vermont driver’s license and carry auto insurance for the vehicle driven.
Radio operators must possess a current Amateur Radio [HAM] License issued by the FCC and have a record free of FCC violations.
With the increase in membership, we have developed a database as part of our response procedures. All members are issued identification cards for security clearance to vital areas where communications are needed or at one of the many Emergency Operation Centers (EOC's) located around the state.