Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP)
Eligible project types include:
- Buyouts
- Structural Elevations & Mitigation Reconstruction
- Natural resource projects such as floodplain restorations or dam removals
- Infrastructure projects such as upsizing bridges or culverts
- Floodproofing of municipal or commercial buildings
- Road relocation, elevation, or soil stabilization
The HMGP program is funded through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and is administered by Vermont Emergency Management on behalf of the state.
Please note the following eligibility requirements:
- Communities must have a FEMA approved and adopted local hazard mitigation plan. We will accept applications from towns currently lacking an approved mitigation plan, but FEMA will not release awarded project funds unless the mitigation plan has been approved by FEMA and adopted. Those towns lacking an approved plan must indicate on their HMGP application that they commit to completing a local mitigation plan within 12 months of application submittal; they can also contact their local Regional Planning Commission for assistance.
- Communities must be in good standing with the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), if a special flood hazard area (SFHA) has been identified in the community and if the proposed project is located within the SFHA. Please contact your regional Agency of Natural Resources floodplain manager for additional information on applying for NFIP membership.
- Communities must have an adopted Local Emergency Management Plan (LEMP) in place. If a town currently lacks an LEMP, HMGP applications will be accepted but funds may not be released until the LEMP is in place. For assistance with LEMP development, towns may contact their local Regional Planning Commission.
Information for Subgrantees with Approved Projects
If your agency, municipality, RPC or private non-profit has received an award under any of the Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) grant programs, please consider the following information.
- Quarterly Reports are due January 15th, April 15th, July 15th and October 15th. Failure to submit quarterly reports may result in delayed or halted reimbursement.
- Upon project completion, and after all final reimbursement requests have been submitted, please contact DPS.HazardMitigation@Vermont.gov to request a closeout visit.
- Should your project require unanticipated cost overruns (potentially available, but only under HMGP) and/or scope of work alterations please contact DPS.HazardMitigation@Vermont.gov and fill out a Grant Modification Request Form.
Eligible Applicants and/or Subapplicants
- State
- Local governments
- Private non-profit organizations
- Other quasigovernmental organizations such as Regional Planning Commissions (RPC) or Conservation Districts
Individual homeowners and businesses may not apply directly to the program; however an eligible Applicant or Subapplicant may apply on their behalf.
To better understand how applications are reviewed by the State Hazard Mitigation Project Review Committee, please see the HMA Project Review Form.
Download the 2024 Unified Hazard Mitigation Assistance Guidance
If you have any questions regarding your application or HMGP please contact DPS.HazardMitigation@Vermont.gov