Property Buyouts Following the July 2023 Flooding (DR-4720) and July 2024 Flooding (DR-4810):
Grant funding is still available for the voluntary purchase of properties (residential, commercial, or vacant parcels) that are at risk from flooding.
- If a property was damaged during the July 2023 flooding event, VEM may be able to fund the purchase of the property at the appraised value the day before the storm.
- If any federal funding was received following damages from this event (e.g., flood insurance payments or Individual Assistance), property owners need to save all receipts showing that funding was used for repairs.
- If a property was not damaged during this event but is at risk from flooding, VEM may be able to fund the purchase of the property at a current-market appraised value.
- If a property owner is considering pursuing a voluntary buyout, they should contact their town manager, administrator, or Selectboard to confirm they are interested in applying. Once confirmed, they should complete the Pre-Application Form.
- Pre-applications that are submitted prior to August 30, 2024, will receive priority review under this funding round (Dr-4720); however, the pre-application form will remain open to capture project needs for anticipated future funding (DR-4810).
- Once property buyouts are complete, any structures will be demolished, and the property will be maintained as green open space in perpetuity.
- For more information please check the Buyout FAQs
If you have questions, please reach out to
General Information
HMGP Acquisition applications are projects for the voluntary acquisition of an existing at-risk structure and the underlying land, and conversion of the land to open space through EITHER the 1) demolition or 2) relocation of the structure. The property must be deed-restricted in perpetuity to open space uses to restore and/or conserve the natural floodplain functions. Both residential and commercial properties are eligible.
Project Cost-Effectiveness (BCA)
Some Acquisitions will require a FEMA cost effectiveness analysis, which must utilize the FEMA Benefit-Cost Analysis (BCA) program, version 6.0 or later.
Application Requirements:
Below are the required forms for this type of HMGP application – all must be completed for your HMGP application to be considered complete. Some forms must be completed by the applicant, and some must be completed by the property owner.
Sub-applicant (generally VEM) Responsibility
- HMGP Application Form
- Budget Narrative
- Historic Preservation Project Review Cover Form
- Assurances and Certifications, Form 20-16 A, B, C
- Match Commitment Letter
- Narrative Scope of Work
- Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM)
- Topographic Map (e.g., ANR Atlas)
- Parcel Map (e.g., ANR Atlas)
- Aerial Map of Project Area outlining project footprint (including Staging Area), areas of ground disturbance, and any trees being removed
- Application for Federal Assistance - SF424
- Property Site Inventory – Primary
- Property Site Inventory – Alternates (if applicable)
Municipality Responsibility to Complete
- Memorandum of Agreement - also signed by VEM
- Maintenance Agreement
- Tax/Lister Card
- FEMA Model Statement of Assurances for Property Acquisition
Property Owner Responsibility to Complete
- FEMA Declaration and Release
- Assignment of Coverage D
- Privacy Act Release
- Permission to Enter
- Consent for Release of Home-Property Address
- Hazardous Materials Survey
Joint Property Owner and Municipality Responsibility to Complete
- Statement of Voluntary Participation
- Duplication of Benefits Affidavit
- FEMA Model Deed Restriction
- Digital Photos of Project Site
- Water/Wastewater Map
- VT - EHP Supplement Form
Application Submission:
To submit an HMGP application, please email a digital copy (pdf) to