December, 2022
Volume 16 Issue 12
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Winter Safety Resources
As we head into winter it’s important that local Emergency Management Directors and municipal officials are aware of safety resources that are available to the public. There are several public resources available that offer guidance and advice that help can Vermonters this time of year.
Steering your residents to the resources below can help them and emergency responders get through a crisis. If your town has a way of sharing these, we ask you to do so.
Vermont Alert: www.vtalert.gov
VTAlert information to go directly to Vermonters. Anyone can register for a free account at www.vtalert.gov and choose what information they receive, including hazardous weather or road conditions. Towns can also be trained to send their own alerts by contacting VTAlert Administrator Ian Kilburn at ian.p.kilburn@vermont.gov.
National Weather Service: https://www.weather.gov/btv/ (Burlington) or https://www.weather.gov/aly/ (Albany)
Having the latest forecast information certainly helps with travel plans. Vermont is served by two NWS offices; Albany officially serves Windham and Bennington Counties while Burlington officially serves the rest of Vermont. Both offices are also on Facebook and Twitter and well worth following.
Health advice and warnings: https://www.healthvermont.gov/environment/climate/winter-weather
This site addresses winter hazards and how to recognize signs of health emergencies like hypothermia and frostbite. It also advises on dressing for the elements, safe snow removal, and carbon monoxide risks related to home heating.
Road conditions: https://newengland511.org/
511 New England was redesigned over the summer to offer a more user-friendly experience. Road conditions, closures, construction zones, and other information is included. The VT Agency of Transportation also allows you answer the previously rhetorical question of where the snowplow is with its Plow Finder page: https://plowtrucks.vtrans.vermont.gov/. Note: these pages include state resources only.
2-1-1: https://vermont211.org/
Vermont 2-1-1 is a partner who provides resources to callers who need information or services. During times of crisis VEM relays shelter and other emergency information to 2-1-1 so the public can find what they need with one phone call. Note: 2-1-1 does not replace 9-1-1, always call 9-1-1 in case of an emergency.
And finally,
Social Media
Chances are good several people in any given town get their information from Facebook or Twitter. How many people depends on things like internet access and cell service, so not everyone has that option. By and large, VEM finds social media to be a good, direct way of reaching people before and during emergency events. If your town or emergency response organization has not already done so, it is worth starting an account – it’s easy and free. Some state and federal social media pages worth directing your neighbors to include:
VEM: www.facebook.com/vermontemergencymanagement/ and https://twitter.com/vemvt
VT State Police: www.facebook.com/VermontStatePolice/ and https://twitter.com/VTStatePolice
VT Division of Fire Safety: www.facebook.com/VTFireMarshal
NWS Burlington: www.facebook.com/NWSBurlington/ and https://twitter.com/NWSBurlington
NWS Albany: www.facebook.com/NWSAlbany/ and https://twitter.com/NWSAlbany
VT Agency of Transportation: www.facebook.com/VTransontheroad/ and https://twitter.com/AOTVermont
VT Department of Health: www.facebook.com/HealthVermont/ and https://twitter.com/healthvermont
Additional Hazard Mitigation Funding Available to Communities
Millions of dollars are still available for Vermont communities to reduce future impacts from floods and other natural disasters. Funding is available under two grant programs for communities that qualify. Two grant programs remain for those communities that qualify.
Flood Resilient Communities Fund:
Funding is still available under the Flood Resilient Communities Fund – applications will be accepted on a rolling basis as long as funding allows. Eligible projects include flood-vulnerable property buyouts outside of the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA); buyouts of vacant, at-risk properties; floodplain restoration projects; and buffer plantings. Prior flooding is not a requirement to participate in this program. To see the full program overview, visit: https://vem.vermont.gov/flood-resilient-communities-fund.
Hazard Mitigation Grant Program:
Additional funding is available under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP), disaster round DR-4621, with a State deadline of Friday, February 3, 2023. This funding pot has a 90% federal share and only requires a 10% local match. The best use of this funding is for project implementation, including property buyouts in the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) and infrastructure projects, such as upsizing culverts and bridges. Prior flooding is also not required for property buyouts under this program. For more information, visit: https://vem.vermont.gov/disaster-based-funding.
If you have questions please email: DPS.HazardMitigation@vermont.gov.
Those who would like email notifications for all funding opportunities from Vermont Emergency Management should register at https://vem.vermont.gov/email-lists

Save the Date – Virtual Spring Flood Seminar and Regional events
Vermont Emergency Management and its partners will once again offer the annual Spring Flood Seminar virtually, and then hold additional virtual events to answer specific questions from those in different regions of Vermont.
The virtual event will be held through Microsoft Teams on January 25th from 12:30-4pm. This event will provide information to local officials about the upcoming flood season, and how to prepare for, respond to, and recover from seasonal flooding. The session will be recorded and widely shared after the event.
Two weeks following the virtual seminar, VEM will hold three virtual regional question & answer sessions. These will be a virtual opportunity to receive an update from the National Weather Service tailored to that region, meet individuals who serve that region, and ask any questions relating to seasonal flooding. The events will be held:
• February 7th, 12-1pm: Spring Flood Q&A – Northeast. Washington, Lamoille, Orleans, Essex & Caledonia counties.
• February 8th, 12-1pm: Spring Flood Q&A – South. Bennington, Windham, Windsor, Orange, and Rutland counties.
• February 9th, 12-1pm: Spring Flood Q&A – Northwest. Franklin, Grand Isle, Chittenden & Addison counties.
Additional information, including links, will be provided in the January newsletter and shared through our training email list. https://vem.vermont.gov/email-lists
Active Shooter Preparedness Webinar
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), Region 1 (Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont) invites you to join a two-hour security webinar to enhance your organization’s resilience in case of an active shooter incident.
Preparing employees for a potential active shooter event is an integral component of an organization’s incident response planning. Because active shooter incidents are unpredictable and evolve quickly, preparing for and knowing what to do in an active shooter situation can be the difference between life and death. Every second counts.
DATE/TIME: December 14, 2022 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
REGISTRATION: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/cisa-active-shooter-preparedness-webinar-r…
NOTE: Registration is limited to 350 participants and will close no later than December 13, 2022 at 12:00 p.m.
*This is not a Tactical Training Course
Course Flyer
December 2022
ICS 402 ICS Summary for Executives - In Person
Provides an orientation to the Incident Command System for Executives and Senior Officials.
LOCATION: Chester Public Safety Building- 130 Pleasant St, Chester, VT 05413
DATE/TIME: December 2, 2022, 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
REGISTRATION: via the LMS https://vermont.csod.com/
January 2023
AWR- 228 Community Resilience
Learn about the meaningful actions that you and your community can take to enhance resilience to natural hazards and of the opportunities available to incorporate these actions into professional practice.
DATE/TIME: January 18-19, 2023, 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. each day
REGISTRATION: University of Hawaii: https://ndptc.hawaii.edu/training/delivery/3228/
Code: 82516
NOTE: Must attend both sessions to receive credit
February 2023
K2020 Debris Management Planning for State, Tribal, Territorial, and Local Officials
This course will better prepare participants to fully plan for, respond to, and recover from major debris-generating events.
DATE/TIME: February 7-9, 2023, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. each day
REGISTRATION: required via NETC online admissions system: https://training.fema.gov/netc_online_admissions/
Vermont Local Emergency Management Director Course
This course will familiarize local Emergency Management Directors (EMD) and Coordinators (EMC) with major roles, responsibilities, and “how to do it” guidance, across all four phases of Emergency Management.
DATE/TIME: February 21-22, 2023, 2:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. each day
REGISTRATION: https://vermont.csod.com/ui/lms-learning-details/app/event/e35883cd-148f-415c-a554-4107b7533679
NOTE: Must attend both sessions to receive credit
AWR- 347 Climate Adaption Planning for Emergency Management
Learning the principles of climate adaption planning for emergency management and first response process. Enhance your ability to discuss the impact of weather hazards on critical infrastructure and key resources, and explain how climate change projects will affect those impacts. Build knowledge regarding the processes of common weather hazards, climate variability, climate change, and risk assessment paradigms.
DATE/TIME: February 28, 2023 – March 1, 2023, 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. each day
REGISTRATION: University of Hawaii: https://ndptc.hawaii.edu/training/delivery/3229/
Code: 79028
NOTE: Must attend both sessions to receive credit
FEMA Emergency Management Institute
If you are interested in any training of these please make sure to register using the information in each listing. If you have any difficulties registering please contact dps.vemtraining@list.vermont.gov.
**EMI will cover travel and lodging for all participants, and participants are responsible for paying for a meal card and their own time**
When registering for an EMI class they do not start looking at the applications until six weeks out from the class.
E0490 Voluntary Agency Coordination in Disasters
The purpose of this course is to prepare students to coordinate community and voluntary disaster resources; develop and maintain partnerships; establish and maintain communications with partners, the public, and the media; and share information and resources to maximize services to disaster survivors.
LOCATION: Maryland
DATE/TIME: Multiple February - June. 4 day course.
PREREQUISITE: IS-0289: Voluntary Agency Liaison (VAL) Overview
REGISTRATION & ADDITIONAL DETAILS: Emergency Management Institute: 1754-REVISED-Training Opportunity-E0490 Voluntary Agency Coordination in Disasters
E0705 Fundamentals of Grants Management & E0708 Procurement Under Grants
The E0705 course is designed for FEMA grantees and sub-grantees. It includes discussion and activities to improve the ability of FEMA grantees to administer Federal grant funding. The E0708 course strengthens understanding of the Federal requirements when purchasing under a FEMA award.
LOCATION: Maryland
DATE/TIME: March 13-17, 2023 8-5pm
REGISTRATION & ADDITIONAL DETAILS: Emergency Management Institute: 1764-Training Opportunity-E0705-Fund of Grants Mgmt E0708-Procurement Under Grants