In addition to buyouts of flood-prone properties, Vermont Emergency Management is promoting options for reducing flood risk, while maintaining our residential, non-residential, and municipal buildings through structural elevations, mitigation reconstruction, and floodproofing.
- Qualifying Structures:
- Residential, commercial, and municipal buildings.
- Have a history of damages from flooding (including structures determined to be Substantially Damaged by a local zoning/floodplain administrator), OR
- Located in a Special Flood Hazard Area as defined by FEMA. Note: past damage is not required to participate.
- Elevations: Must be structurally sound and capable of being elevated safely.
- Mitigation Reconstruction: For an existing structure and/or foundation that has been partially or completely demolished or destroyed in a flood.
- Floodproofing (Non-Residential and Municipal Only): Structurally sound and capable of being effectively floodproofed
- Municipalities Apply on behalf of Property Owners: A jurisdiction wherein the structure is located must be willing to submit the application and manage the grant funding.
- Match Commitment: Grants typically require a 25% local match. VEM can now cover 100% of local match for FY 2023 Swift Current and DR-4720 Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) projects.
- Elevation Requirements Prior to Construction Funding: Elevation Certificate, structural inspection by qualified professional, and engineered design showing the building is fit to be elevated and would meet or exceed local flood regulations.
- Mitigation Reconstruction Requirements Prior to Construction Funding: Substantial Damage determination and engineered design showing that the project would meet or exceed local flood regulations.
- Floodproofing Requirements Prior to Construction Funding: Structure must be designed and certified by a licensed design professional that structure can be dry floodproofed to FEMA’s requirements (note wet floodproofing or a combination of dry and wet floodproofing are an option in limited circumstances).
- Flood Insurance: Following the elevation, flood insurance is generally required on the structure in perpetuity.
Next steps:
- To apply, eligible entities should complete the Pre-Application Form, which is open to capture project needs for anticipated future funding.
- VEM will review all inquiries and contact you about next steps.
- Note: See below for more information about the program and application materials required for submission to FEMA.
General Information
Hazard mitigation funding can be used to reduce flood risk and the impacts of flooding by elevating or floodproofing (non-residential) existing structures. Additionally, for structures that are significantly damaged, it may be used to fund the purchase of a new, elevated, comparable structure (known as Mitigation Reconstruction). Grants can cover a wide range of costs, such as: engineering services, surveying, obtaining Elevation Certificates, construction management, project management, legal and permitting fees, relocation of utilities, construction, ADA compliance, and filling in basements. They do not cover several costs, such as: elevating structure not in compliance with NFIP at time of construction, building additions, new decks or porches, aesthetic improvements, and landscaping in excess of restoring what existed on the site prior to construction. For more information, see the 2024 HMA Guidance. See below for requirements for application development for each project type.
Communities are strongly encouraged to consult with your regional DEC River Engineer on how to effectively mitigate flood risk. For example, properties threatened by fluvial erosion, in addition to flooding, an elevation, floodproofing, or reconstruction may not be an effective solution.
Structures receiving grant funding are generally required to carry flood insurance in perpetuity.
Project Cost-Effectiveness
Applications must demonstrate the cost-effectiveness of the proposed elevation, meaning that the Benefit of the project outweighs the Cost of the project through a Benefit-Cost Analysis (BCA). There are several options to perform a BCA, depending on the funding source.
- If a structure is documented as in the FEMA Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) and its total documented project costs are below $355,522 per ground floor unit, the project may be considered cost-effective and no additional documentation may be needed. Pre-calculated benefits guidance.
- In some funding sources (e.g., BRIC and FMA), if the project is less than $1M, then a BCA Narrative may be sufficient.
- If none of the above options apply to the project, a Full BCA in FEMA’s BCA Toolkit (download here) is required to demonstrate the project’s cost effectiveness.
VEM may be able to provide technical assistance to subapplicants completing the BCA, upon request. All BCAs must provide supporting documentation to demonstrate that a BCR of 1.0 or greater. Supporting documentation can include, but is not limited to, documentation of project costs, maintenance costs, historical damages (e.g., detailed attestation by a community official, copies of invoices, Project Worksheets (PWs) from FEMA’s Public Assistance (PA) program), or likelihood of future damages (including the population impacted), project useful life, and level of protection for the project solution. Once received, VEM will review and will attempt to coordinate with the subapplicant to address any gaps in documentation for the BCA prior to submitting to FEMA.
Application Requirements
The following are required forms for the final application to FEMA for HMGP. There may be some slight differences for other FEMA Hazard Mitigation Assistance grants. Some forms must be completed by the Municipality, some will be by the property owner, and some will be completed by both. Please reach out to with any questions and to submit application materials.
Please note that Elevation, Floodproofing, and Mitigation Reconstruction projects can be submitted as Phased Projects. Phased Projects are for applications that are not ready to proceed directly to construction. Phase 1 can fund data collection, engineering analysis, design, environmental/historic preservation, permitting, final cost-estimation, and BCA refinement. Phase 2 will be for construction and closeout. Click here to learn more. Please reach out to with any questions.
Prior to Submission to FEMA:
- Municipality:
- Detailed Scope of Work
- Budget Narrative
- Detailed Schedule
- Demonstrate Project Cost-Effectiveness (see above)
- HMGP Application Form
- Assurances and Certifications, Form 20-16 A, B, C
- Application for Federal Assistance - SF424
- SF-424A Non-Construction (phased projects only)
- PDF Version (download required)
- SF-424C Budget Information – Construction Programs (non-phased projects only)
- PDF Version (download required)
- Property Site Inventory – Primary
- Property Site Inventory – Alternates (if applicable)
- Sub Management Costs Application (optional)
- Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM)
- Building Information (Tax cards, City/County Property Records, etc.)
- Match Commitment Letter - done by VEM for DR-4720
- Aerial Map of Project Area outlining project footprint (including Staging Area), areas of ground disturbance, and any trees being removed
- Topographic Map (e.g., ANR Atlas)
- Parcel Map (e.g., ANR Atlas)
- Municipality and/or Property Owner:
- Property Owner:
- Photos of each side of building
- Consent for Release of Home-Property Address
Prior to Construction by Municipality/Property Owner (Elevations):
- Elevation Certificate
- Inspection by a qualified professional on structure and ability to elevate (Part 12.B.3)
- Engineered Design Compliant with ASCE 24 (can be Conceptual for Application)(Part 12.B.3)
- Proposed Elevation Height of Lowest Finished Floor (Part 12.B.3)
Prior to Construction by Municipality/Property Owner (Floodproofing):
- Elevation Certificate
- Inspection (with engineering documentation) by a qualified professional on structure's ability to be floodproofed (Part 12.B.6)
- Engineered Design Compliant with ASCE 24 (can be Conceptual for Application) (Part 12.B.6)
- Proposed Height of Floodproofing Protection in relation to Base Flood Elevation (BFE) and Lowest Finished Floor (BFE + 2’ is standard; BFE + 3’ critical facilities) (Part 12.B.6)
- Statement that the proposed project is/will be designed in compliance with the Federal Flood Risk Management Standard (FFRMS)
- Statement that the project is/will be designed in compliance with National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) standards in 44 CFR Part 60.3
- Description of any additional building codes and standards that will be followed (Part 12.B.6)
Prior to Construction by Municipality/Property Owner (Mitigation Reconstruction):
- Substantial Damage Determination
- Engineered Design Compliant with ASCE 24 (can be Conceptual for Application) (Part 12.B.2)
- Base Flood Elevation and Proposed Elevation Height of Lowest Finished Floor (Part 12.B.2)
Note: Gathering/creating these construction-related requirements could be included in the scope of work for a phased project or as pre-award costs. If the project is awarded, documented and budgeted pre-award costs can be reimbursed at the same federal share as the other project costs.