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Match Type Descriptions


The purpose of this section is to define the different match categories and to compare and contrast them to provide as much clarity as possible. The Department of Public Safety Granting Plan breaks these into two categories, but this breaks it down further to discuss three types of match: Hard Match (Cash), Soft Match (Cash), and Soft Match (Third Party In-Kind).

Emergency Management Performance Grant - Supplemental (EMPG-S)


The purpose Emergency Management Performance Grants is to assist state and local governments in enhancing and sustaining all-hazards emergency management capabilities.  The Federal Emergency Management Agency provides the funding to local jurisdictions through the states. This supplemental fund was allocated to states in addition to their regular FY2020 awards to augment the planning and response efforts around COVID-19. All work under the EMPG-S award must be in direct support of community resilience in the current COVID-19 climate.

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