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Emergency Management Performance Grants (EMPG)

The purpose Emergency Management Performance Grants is to assist state and local governments in enhancing and sustaining all-hazards emergency management capabilities. The Federal Emergency Management Agency provides the funding to local jurisdictions through the states. 

Regional Planning Commission Grant

Vermont Emergency Management subgrants with the 11 Regional Planning Commissions across the state.  For a list of RPCs and links to their web sites click here.  The EMPG 24 RPC Subgrant Application period closes at noon on August 29, 2024.

Current Grant Cycle EMPG 24 RPC Subgrant:

EMPG24 RPC - Scope of Work

EMPG24 RPC - Notice of Funding Opportunity

EMPG24 Applicant Briefing


RPC EMPG Sub-Grant Resources:

DPS Risk Assessment Survey

Match Type Descriptions

EMPG Match Memo - October 1, 2021

Detailed Reimbursement Worksheet

Food Reimbursement Form

General Services Administration (GSA) per-diem rates

Volunteer In-Kind Tracking Form

Activity Log - timesheet supporting documentation

FFATA Reporting of Subrecipient Executive Compensation

Deviation Request